"Contrast given through an IV may cause a slight burning feeling, a
metallic taste in the mouth, and a warm flushing of the body. These
sensations are normal and usually go away within a few seconds."https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003330.htm
Ha Ha....yeah right.
Okay so it's 12am in the Beth Israel Rosenberg building on the 25th. Cats; technicians and Doctors are spent and they keep getting orders for this test...that test. Richard takes me down to the radiology. He's has the same birthday but he's a year older and he rubs it in my face cause he looks good for 41...soon 42. " Island fruits man" he says I made a comment about a large dude down the hallway walking they way large fat man walk. " That's M. , he keeps telling me he's going to lose weight; but he just gains more weight. He eat everything he sees!" Laughing we roll up to the CT scan line up...few people in front of me. Some kooks. Two women behind me discuss Property size as compared to location to the city. Older woman got a new whirlpool with her husband recently.
Now I got a brand new, right off the lot IV for this procedure by a woman I consider to be a master of her craft. So it should be good to go...i.e. no pain.
My turn, nobody briefs me. I lay down on a sliding bed similar to an MRI scan. They techs hook in the IV and start Juicing me with Saline...really pain full if it's fast. "Fuckin' ow!"
' That's how fast the contrast dye is going to be sir' still juicing me
" yeah just a little warning please"
'okay' said as if I'm being belligerent.
So they roll me into the machine and say the first shots are with out dye. You have to hold your breath while they take the images.
Next ' we're going to flush with saline sir then we'll use contrast. You'll feel a burning sensation.'
Then they start juicing me...painful...slowly something very toxic is in my system. This burning starts in the rectum and quickly enrages my body with a hot lave sensation.
{machine voice} 'HOLD YOUR BREATHE............................BREATHE'
This happens for five minutes....and let me tell you it is not easy to hold your breath when you're going beserker.