Yeah so I put the feed bag on in the morning and by mid-day there is something horrible going on in my stomach. I stop the feed tube and boot it all up; which doesn't make since because it should be bypassing my stomach and going straight to the large intestinoins. My first thought is that my schincter has betrayed me!!
The doc's and nurses are slow to get back to me on this so I'm waiting. Mean while it's back to eating food again. Damn! I was really get use to not masticating or feeling full or hungry. Being on that feed bag was like the feeling I get after a California roll and a tuna roll (tekka maki!). It was one major desire gone from my life....hunger and yet I gain 20lbs in a week.
Want to say that I joined a gym about a week ago but I was told by my nurse that I joined a club. Zowie! This place is the best! I mostly joined (for 35 a month) for the steam room/sauna combo but it has plenty of cardiac machine and weight machines. 8 showers with body soap/shamp/condishy. I tell you northern NH want to be small business up a membership sauna/ steam room / showers facility . Screw the exercise cause you'll be getting that just living up there. Want NHshins need is a place to let there muscles melt and a hot foggy room where you're invited to put eucalyptus oil on the steam nozzle. Easy money...
Hope the tube's been figured out by now and hope you're stomach is on the mend. We're thinking of you up here. ~Eliza