Tuesday, November 3, 2015

If you've had a blood transfusion before the year 1992, GET TESTED.

First and foremost for the beginning of this blog I want to reach out to all the people out there who are suffering from this horrible disease that can cause a myriad of health problems.  Hepatitis C.  Some get it from sharing needles but there is a vast number of victims that got from blood transfusions that where not screened.

 "Before 1992, people could get hepatitis C through blood transfusions and organ transplants. Since 1992, all donated blood and organs are screened for hepatitis C, so it is now rare to get the virus this way." - WebMD (http://www.webmd.com/hepatitis/hepc-guide/hepatitis-c-cause)

    Though there is no empirical evidence-knowing the nature of Hep C , can lie dormant in someone for years.  I received more than a few transfusions when I was two - three back in 1977.  Then around the age of 38 , mixed with the average of two beers a night after work....severely damaged my liver before I even know I had this disease.  So if you've had a blood transfusion before the year 1992, GET TESTED.

So far these are some of the problems that have arisen from this disease; before and after being cured of it.
-vomiting blood
-kidney infection
-bloated stomach
-severe loss of weight


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