Friday, December 25, 2015

Let's........make this Christmas...mean something....this year.

    Christmas in the hospital.  I know , cry me a river.  I spent most of last night and Christmas barfing.  Another damn bowel obstruction.  Let's just say after not having food for awhile I went crazy.  On th 23rd I ate a ton of food.

    Bonedaddy stopped by around 2pm and gave me some wonderful gifts from him and Rebecca.  Walrus t-shirt from the Quontset hut and some more tubes to put into my face.  They're so thoughtful.  Then Sarah stopped by at 6pm with some bad chow mein for herself and we snuggled and watched Bad Santa...which was great.

So I'm not complaining.

Love to all

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Good news and bad news.

I'm going home today on Christmas Eve...not that I have the Swiss Family Robinson to go home to but I have Sarah and Suzy and that's a million times better.

Annnnnd the bad news is, is that I can't qualify for a 'live donor' because the tips is too close to my heart and would cause a high risk in the transplant procedure.  The tips runs from the portal vein at the bottom of the liver , through it (I think) and close to the vena cava which is a major vein at the bottom of the heart.

So this means , (most likely) that I need to get super sick before I can get a liver.  Like , on death's door.  Not to mention I need to wait for that to happen which is a huge financial burden.

But until that happens it's good things like batman and Frank Miller:

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Clear Liquid feast!

They upgraded me from nothing to a clear liquid diet!!  What is a clear liquid diet you might ask.  It consists of this 'smorning of black tea with two sugar packets, raspberry sorbet cup (got to eat that first cause it'll melt) , the entree : chicken stock with sodium substitute (though I asked for beef), lime green jelly cup , apple juice cup.  Man it was like thanksgiving after not having food for 2 1/2 days.  I felt like Saint Austine surviving on garlic to make it through the winter.  It also reminded who me of these two ex-convicts who rehabilitate prisoners being release into the world.  In this show that they're in they're sitting in a car awaiting the prisoner to be released so they can collected him and the two guys start reminiscing about all the things they used to do to prison food to make it tolerable...including squandering away goods for later.  I think the show was on Aljazeer network.

  Other than that it's a greenhouse Boston Christmas and I'm chillin' in Farr 10 room 1024 with some cabbage rolls in the Dutch oven.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015


    Food and drink are, in the hospital a big morale booster.  When they withhold it from you it is a major bummer.

   So current sitrep:  My roommate is hacking up phlegm non-stop and he's a rude bastard at time to the staff which irritates me.

I still have the stomach draining tube in my left nostril.  They may pull it out in a couple of hours if nothing is draining.  The nurse Laura, as per instruction last night pulled out my catheter because it wasn't draining properly and then she fuhts with it.  So they're going to put one back in soon...because apparently I'm close to having 300ml of fluid in my bladder that needs to come out.

Other than that just playing around with the new iPad.  Got a great drawing program: 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Bowel obstruction...happy holidays!

So here I am again at Beth Israel ER room awaiting a bed to open up in Farr 10.  It's been quite lively here today between the woman from somewhere screaming something unintelligible to the man screaming at the top of his lungs 'I WILL NOT GET A FLU SHOT' over and over again.  The man currently in the curtained off room next to me is begging for pain killers because his hip is attawack.  

    I have a 3/8" tube up my left nostril sucking the contents of my stomach into a plastic 'carboy'.  Apparently I developed a bowel obstruction at some point last week and this has been the reason behind the week long barf sesh.  And here I was thinking I was eating too much Cocoa if.  (Man I could really go for a bowl right now....or maybe just a glass of whole milk that's been stepped in puffs...yum). I'll have to get Sarah to smuggle some in for me.
Man I look so good!  

The tape is there to keep it from sliding out of my nose.  The other tube is my feed tube which feels infinitely better than this monstrosity.

Currently reading: The life changing magic of tidying up, Marie Kondo and Undermajordomo Minor, Patrick Dewitt...Also rereading Lolita for the third time.  Marvel comics:  Knight of the Old Republic collection.

Be well people and realize that you're well,

Love Esch

Monday, December 14, 2015

Losing weight!!! And easy money.

I'm losing weight because there is something terribly wrong with my feed tube.  5lbs a day...can you image?  To top it all off I'm shedding skin again cause I've shrunk.

   Yeah so I put the feed bag on in the morning and by mid-day there is something horrible going on in my stomach.  I stop the feed tube and boot it all up; which doesn't make since because it should be bypassing my stomach and going straight to the large intestinoins.  My first thought is that my schincter has betrayed me!!

    The doc's and nurses are slow to get back to me on this so I'm waiting.  Mean while it's back to eating food again.  Damn!  I was really get use to not masticating or feeling full or hungry.  Being on that feed bag was like the feeling I get after a California roll and a tuna roll (tekka maki!).  It was one major desire gone from my life....hunger and yet I gain 20lbs in a week.

Want to say that I joined a gym about a week ago but I was told by my nurse that I joined a club.  Zowie!  This place is the best!  I mostly joined (for 35 a month) for the steam room/sauna combo but it has plenty of cardiac machine and weight machines.  8 showers with body soap/shamp/condishy.  I tell you northern NH want to be small business up a membership sauna/ steam room / showers facility .  Screw the exercise cause you'll be getting that just living up there.  Want NHshins need is a place to let there muscles melt and a hot foggy room where you're invited to put eucalyptus oil on the steam nozzle.  Easy money...