Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Time games

People are funny with their 'time games'; I mean I used to do them , but I can't believe people still do them.  
I know you've have had one of those friends where you jump in their car and you notice the car clock.
Oh shit , you say, we're going to be late.
Nah laughs your friend, I set it ten minutes fast so I always have time.

........k.......  I wonder if it's a subconscious need to do math every day.  Oh shi- wait....minus ten....nice!

My other favorite is the snooze alarm.  I've heard people hit that thing at least twenty times before getting up.  Wouldn't you rather sleep until you couldn't and then just ...get up.  Why all the interruptions ?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hurry up and wait.

So now I reside in a 'holding pattern', where I await my body to get sicker so that I can get a transplant.  Unfortunately this is going to be a financially tight because I've been out of work since last summer and with no end in sight , my income, and health insurance is going to dry up.  (there's got to be a better way to get a liver...)

So currently I eat 19 to 18 hours a day through a tube in my veins(at home which is good!!); and f
or the past two months I've been dealing with puking issues.  Like every time I try to eat something or drink something.  I have to let my stomach rest for a day or so and then try again.  The trick is eating the right foods and slowly.

My brother and Candice came to visit for ten days from  Saudi.  It's always a pleasure to have them around.  They wouldn't know this the way that I treat them;  I'm such a jerk when I'm sick.  I'm trying to work on it.  They are the best though.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Home is hang your TPN bag.

Home today!!!!   Yeah! My peeps.  See, not always bad news.  Can't wait to play some of my new vinyl...including HEROES SYMPHONY and some Ziggy Marley....

Plus I'm getting an original game boy in the mail today!  Peew peew!  Sweetness.  

Everyone cross your fingers so that I stay out longer this time.  This place hurts my soul after awhile.



Monday, February 8, 2016

Billy Rubin

   Did any of you hear of yoppie joppie or ibs growing up?  It was basically like pig Latin exept with yoppie joppie you'd alternate between switching all vowels to op or opie. Ibs was the same.  So, 'my name is Eschenbach ' in yoppie joppie would be.... Mopie Nopmopie Opshopenbopch.  

What does Billy Rubin refer to? ( answer in ibs)
A) Jewish baseball player from the 50's
B) the waste material of Red Blood cells that are flushed from the blood when they die.
C) A famous Deli known for their steak and cheese.

(Ribd Sibll's wibstibie mibtibietibl.)

   So this is what causes people to have yellow look about them when they have Jaundice.  The liver and kidneys can't properly dispose of the waste and it builds up in the the body.  My levels went up a little yesterday so the doctor's got there pibntibys all in a bunch and may be keeping me longer.  "roar" I hate this disease.

Basically the past month I've been in and out of the hospital trying to get my weight up with out barfing and now that I have that down the Gopdopin Jewish baseball player hit a foul ball at the bottom of the ninth , 2 outs, bases loaded.


check ya,


if any wants to see a informative quick video on the history of Japan....type history of Japan into YouTube ...first entry.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I finally got the doctors to drop the tube feeding.  So I can eat normal food again except I have to pack on the calories and protein.  So a few ensures here....extra ice cream please.  Cottage Cheese has a lot of protein in it.

Of course I'm sitting here waiting to eat as usual because I can't eat or drink anything before an upper endoscopy.  

Just to let you all know...I'll be in the hospital quite a bit over the coming months so don't be surprised or alarmed.  It's just the nature of this bastard illness.

Short one,



Friday, January 22, 2016

Waiting for Doctor

    So, sorta have been incommunicado since I was released the first time.  However to sum up what has happened since then:  2days home start vomiting over a bowl of cereal I had.  ER...sends me home after testing tube feed (for an hour!). Home over night /vomit /back to ER...ER admits me....stay 10 days / back on tube feeding; everything is Hunky Dory as long as I don't eat. Released/home two days/vomit cause I need to hydrate and I try drinking water.  Back in the Saddle.

       Yeaaaaaaaah, it's been an annoying few weeks.  All the while I'm craving foods like a big bowl of Spicy MIco Ramen from Sapporo in Porter.  Yum yum yum.  And foods I haven't even eaten yet that I want to make, like these Polish steamed cabbage dumplings.  I walked into whole foods last night with Sarah so she could get some grub and I realized it's citrus season!  Damn my illness.  I hope I'm paying off some serious karmic debt-that pumpkin I threw through somebodies parked car window when I was 9th grade.  BE WARY OF YOUR TEENAGE SHANNIGANS.  

    My new roommate for the most part is quiet but he has hardcore demensha (sp?)  , and he'll talk calling for no one in some Slavic language .  When I enter the room he looks at me wide eyed and calls out.  I want to reply but I escape to my bed feeling creepy.  One of the nurses came in and he started to speak and she was like ," yeah yeah".  Clearly white noise to her, however it did take the burden of creepiness off my chest.

   Came back in because a,) vomiting , b) malnourished .  Losing a little weight (especially in the winter) is cool; but brother when you're gather your bones together to take a bath.  When you look at your leg and think..'hm?  I never thought the bone was shaped that way'.  When your hands look like Grammies hands.

My Plan of Attack                                                          There Speculated plan.  
Stop tube feeds all together go back to food. Yum.           Hellbent on tube feeds , get me back on.
High fat and carbo diet. (Heavy cream on cereal...just.      Tubefeed mixed with eating (EEEE (family 
Kidding).                                                                             Feud noise))

Anyway I'll try to keep yern in the 411.

Be good to each other,


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Visit from the Lama

  The Lama chaplain came by today to do some medicine Buddha mantras with me and offer advice when it comes to sickness.  Great meditation session and embracing the idea that purifying my past karma and dedicating my suffering to others so that they may be healthy puts a good spin on my attitude of this whole matter.

   I was home for maybe two days and I couldn't tolerate normal food and starting vomiting again so I had to come back in.  Hopefully I only have a couple more days left here.