Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Time games

People are funny with their 'time games'; I mean I used to do them , but I can't believe people still do them.  
I know you've have had one of those friends where you jump in their car and you notice the car clock.
Oh shit , you say, we're going to be late.
Nah laughs your friend, I set it ten minutes fast so I always have time.

........k.......  I wonder if it's a subconscious need to do math every day.  Oh shi- wait....minus ten....nice!

My other favorite is the snooze alarm.  I've heard people hit that thing at least twenty times before getting up.  Wouldn't you rather sleep until you couldn't and then just ...get up.  Why all the interruptions ?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hurry up and wait.

So now I reside in a 'holding pattern', where I await my body to get sicker so that I can get a transplant.  Unfortunately this is going to be a financially tight because I've been out of work since last summer and with no end in sight , my income, and health insurance is going to dry up.  (there's got to be a better way to get a liver...)

So currently I eat 19 to 18 hours a day through a tube in my veins(at home which is good!!); and f
or the past two months I've been dealing with puking issues.  Like every time I try to eat something or drink something.  I have to let my stomach rest for a day or so and then try again.  The trick is eating the right foods and slowly.

My brother and Candice came to visit for ten days from  Saudi.  It's always a pleasure to have them around.  They wouldn't know this the way that I treat them;  I'm such a jerk when I'm sick.  I'm trying to work on it.  They are the best though.